What makes your heart beat?

Written by Megan McDermott, Latino Youth and Kids Director

When I think about Christ, one of the things I always think of is the servants-heart that He displayed. He was always giving His time, wisdom, patience, and love to every person He encountered.   He made time to stop and befriend those that others simply walked past.   I think His heart beat was for true relationship, community, and ultimately healing for us.  Mark 10:45 reminds us that, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”   

As we go through our days, do we ever stop to ask ourselves what our heart beats for?    How are we being the hands and feet of Jesus in Kansas City and around the world? I wanted to share with you the words of a dear friend and long time volunteer at Mission Adelante, Brad Gregory, and his answer to this question.

‘About 10 years ago, I heard of a new serving opportunity in the heart of Kansas City, Kansas called Mission Adelante. I had been looking for a place to serve outside of my church and it sounded like a good place to start. I had no idea what I was getting involved in and no concept of what I could actually do to help. I literally stumbled upon helping with Kid's Adelante and the older kids. I had a fabulous teaching partner in Felipe Ham and we became fast friends. I quite literally learned to study the Bible each week by preparing for the classes. I now think that I was the one sent there to learn! The curriculum we use with the children is called Firm Foundations and I believe it gave me just that, a firm foundation in the Bible! Over the years, I have forged many long-term relationships and in recent years, even started meeting with several of the volunteers before classes to eat at one of the many superb taco eateries in KCK. We meet at the end of the evening to pray with and for each other. At the end of the day what we are building is a family. "We are building a family that is centered on being Christ to the neighborhood and showing this love to each other in a meaningful way!"

Current Needs:

  • We are in need of volunteers for our Bhutanese and Latino Programs.  
    • Latino Leaders in Training (LIT) meets Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons.
    • Bhutanese Elementary LIT meets Monday & Wednesday afternoons
    • Bhutanese Middle School LIT meets Tuesday & Wednesday afternoons
    • Bhutanese Youth Group meets Monday evenings
    • Bhutanese ESL & Kids Club meets Tuesday evenings
    • Latino Teen’s meets Wednesday evenings
    • Latino ESL & Kids Adelante meets Thursday evenings

    Visit our website for more information or to sign-up: www.missionadelante.org/serve

  • Latino Leaders in Training is in need of journals for their creative activities.  If you are interested in purchasing the journals that the kids will use for the year, please contact Megan McDermott at Meganm@missionadelante.org before Sept 6.

Important Dates:

  • Volunteer Orientation: Saturday September 10, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Orientation is an introduction to our vision and ministry programs at Mission Adelante.  We will also tour the neighborhood and share a meal from a local restaurant.  A $5.00 donation is suggested to help with the cost of the meal.  If you are interested in serving at Mission Adelante visit: www.missionadelante.org/serve.
  • Volunteer Huddle: Monday September 12, 6:30 - 8:00 pm.  Our volunteer huddle is a time for us to gather together with our current and new volunteers to give them a deeper look into our ministry programs.  We will also have dessert and fellowship time.
  • Our Fall Trimester will begin soon, with our Bhutanese programs starting Tuesday September 13, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm and our Latino programs starting Thursday September 15, 6:30 - 8:30 pm.   

A Spiritual Family for Third Culture Students


Written by Drew Hammond, Bhutanese Youth Ministry Director

Our students from other places grow up in a difficult world. Their family has a deeply rooted sense of culture from their home country, and their classmates know and understand the culture here in our urban neighborhood. Our students are dropped in between those two places, into a third culture. Since they aren’t growing up in their home country, pieces of their culture are falling away; and since they aren’t from the United States they don’t always understand exactly how and where they fit in here. It is in this place that we meet our students.We believe that God’s image is reflected uniquely and beautifully in diverse human cultures. We help students to understand the cultures of their family, their neighborhood, and how to live in the third culture they are growing up in.

In the book of Acts, we find a community of people similar to our students. This community of people are  just learning what it means to live their lives according to the ways of Jesus in a political and social environment that had recently put Him to death. In Acts 2:42-47, we see how they dealt with this struggle. "They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need. Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day by day those who were being saved."

The community described in this passage sounds like a spiritual family; where they are caring for one another and being cared for, walking together through life, and experiencing daily transformation. This is this kind of spiritual family that we long to build with our students. In light of this goal; in the Fall of 2016, we will be launching Youth Group.

Youth Group is a place where our students can be welcomed, loved, and accepted as who God has made them to be; and encouraged to become followers of Jesus. Youth Group is different from our structured programs; it is a space where our students will learn how to take the stories of Jesus they have been learning in our structured programs for the last 7 years and apply them to their daily lives.  It is also a place where our students will be surrounded by people who can help build a spiritual family with them; sharing meals and resources, having lots of fun, hearing stories of Jesus, beginning to worship Him, and learning to serve Him as Lord. Our hope is that Youth Group is a  place where they can process and understand the new culture they live in, understand who their spiritual family is, and grow to learn who God is calling them to be.

Important Dates:

  • Volunteer Orientation: Saturday September 10, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm. Orientation is an introduction to our vision and ministry programs at Mission Adelante.  We will also tour the neighborhood and share a meal from a local restaurant.  A $5.00 donation is suggested to help with the cost of the meal.  If you are interested in serving at Mission Adelante visit: www.missionadelante.org/serve.
  • Volunteer Huddle: Monday September 12, 6:30 - 8:00 pm.  Our volunteer huddle is a time for us to gather together with our current and new volunteers to give them a deeper look into our ministry programs.  We will also have dessert and fellowship time.
  • Our Fall Trimester will begin soon; with our Bhutanese programs starting Tuesday September 13, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm and our Latino programs starting Thursday September 15, 6:30 - 8:30 pm.   

Back-to-School: Pray for us next week

Written by Kristen Maxwell, Bhutanese Youth and Children's Director

It feels like summer has FLOWN by.  It seems like just yesterday we were getting ready for Kids Camp and beginning to look for backpack donations.

Thank you to everyone who partnered with us by donating a backpack.  With your support we were able to distribute over 270 backpacks in our neighborhood!  The love of Jesus was shared through a backpack! 

On Monday many of the kids in Kansas City, Kansas will head back to school.  As a former teacher, I can't help but be excited about the promises a new year brings; new kiddos, new friendships, and new adventures. As I was praying for the kids school year, I was convicted to pray for their schools by name.  Will you join me in that? Join me in praying for the 19 schools that we have kids going to. 

Pray for protection, pray for peace; pray for wisdom for the teachers, and learning for the students. 
Pray for the schools to be places where kids feel loved and welcomed.
Pray for good influences to surround our kids, and when they see things that don't seem right pray that they have the courage to ask questions.
Pray for a supernatural ability of language acquisition for our kids who don't speak much English. 
Pray for a familiar face, or a new friend for our kids who have never attended school in the US.
Pray that God would bless the students, teachers, administrators, and support staff with a wonderful year!

This year we have kiddos from Pre-K to 12th grade attending the following  schools:

Wyandotte High School
JC Harmon High School
Bishop Ward High School
Sumner Academy
Argentine Middle School
Northwest Middle School
Central Middle School
Frances Willard Elementary
Whittier Elementary
English Landing Elementary
ME Pearson Elementary
McKinley Elementary
Mark Twain Elementary
Douglass Elementary
New Chelsea Elementary
Holy Name School
Christ the King School
Kansas City Christian School
Kansas City Kansas Early Childhood Center

11 years of faithfulness

This Sunday will be the culmination of our summer trimester at Mission Adelante.  Our Latino, Bhutanese, and North American friends will join together to celebrate, not only the end of another trimester but also a celebration of what God has done at Mission Adelante over the past 11 years.  At the party, we will celebrate all of our core values; love for neighbor, developing leaders, interdependent relationships, prayer, celebrating culture, partnership, and innovation as we show appreciation to our students, volunteers, church and community partners, and, of course, God. (Learn more about our vision, mission, and core values at www.missionadelante.org/vision.

Here are a few highlights of our past 11 years at Mission Adelante.

  • 2005 - Mission Adelante incorporates and launches its first ESL class and Kids Adelante with Latino immigrants.
  • 2006 - Our first friends receive Christ, our first Bible study is launched, ESL expands, apprenticeship begins.
  • 2007 - Expansion of ESL, Kids Adelante, Bible studies, Manos ministry, monthly worship services launch, moved to current location at 22 S 18th St
  • 2008 - Leaders in Training program begins, our first ministry apprentice graduates and prepares to deploy to the mission field in Costa Rica, Paid off building mortgage - WE’RE DEBT FREE!
  • 2009 - Hired full-time Latino kids ministry director, growth in kids’ ministry.
  • 2010 - Launch of Bhutanese ministries (ESL & Kids Club), extension project to Cuba initiated, Latino teen’s ministry launched. Building renovation completed.
  • 2011 - Bhutanese teen ministry launched, first Bhutanese house churches started, Staff/Volunteer trips to Cuba and Nepal.
  • 2012 - 2013 - Launched Community Development ministry, internship for 4 Latino teens, significant shift toward mobilizing multicultural leadership, first staff intern hired from immigrant community, Bhutanese Leaders in Training program is launched.
  • 2014 - Community Development leadership pursues plans to open a thrift store in the neighborhood and begins research and planning towards future community development initiatives.
  • 2015 - Adelante Thrift opens to the public, Latino Ministry ministry is led by its first director from Latin America.  The Bhutanese Middle School Leaders in Training program is launched. English Ministry community is launched, Renovations on the Lighthouse completed
  • 2016 - Launched Leadership Community, our first multi-cultural discipleship program that incorporates leaders from our Latino, Bhutanese, and English-Speaking ministries.

Come celebrate with us! The party will be Sunday August 7, 4 pm to 8 pm. at Wyandotte County Lake, Leavenworth Road & 91st St. Kansas City, Kansas 66109. Parking will be at the Marina Parking lot, with shuttle service to the party at Shelter #6.

  • Invite friends and family
  • Bring food and drinks to share and chairs or blankets to sit on
  • Enjoy live cultural performances (Nepali, English and Spanish)
  • Parking at Marina parking lot (follow signs 3 minutes past shelter 6 and ride bus back to party)

Going and Growing

Written by Kristen Maxwell, Bhutanese Youth and Kids Director

Think back to your first camp experience.  I hope it brings back good memories of friends, fun, and for many of us, spiritual growth.  Going away to camp can be a life changing experience.  For many kids, it is one of their first chances to be responsible for themselves and make their own choices, without much risk being involved.  It also gives students a chance to be surrounded by Jesus followers, to grow in their faith, and to wrestle with what the Lord may be calling them to.  Not to mention that camp is a whole lot of fun when it includes getting to experience swimming, bonfires, messy games, and sleeping in a cabin with a bunch of friends!  

Earlier this July, six of the girls from our Bhutanese LIT (Leaders in Training) program, and one intern had the chance to go to camp for the first time.  We drove to North Georgia to join the community at the Northlake Church camp.  Northlake Church is much like Mission Adelante in that they work with people from a lot of different places; including many students who are refugees. So, they felt right at home!  

Camp was such an amazing experience for our girls, they matured during their week away. We saw tremendous emotional and spiritual growth, a new level of confidence and self-assurance. We saw some of our smallest friends explode out of their shyness and find their voices.  We saw gifts developed in meeting new friends, or discovering new talents.  We saw a new maturity in them, a realization of a strength they didn't know they had.

We also had fun, so much fun.  We made new friends who were like us, yet different from us. We realized that we had much more in common than we had different.  We played messy games, swam more than we ever have, and laughed a whole lot.

We learned a bunch of new things too.  We spent a lot of time dedicated to answering the question "What does the Lord require of you?"  from Micah 6:8.  We learned to seek justice in our lives, and the lives of those among us; we learned to love mercy in our everyday lives, and we learned about walking humbly with God.  We learned that in doing these things we would grow closer to God, and be bringing His Kingdom to earth.

If you want to see more of what we did, check out this great video of Camp Northlake: Camp Northlake 2016

Current Needs:

  • Our after school leadership development and tutoring program, Leaders in Training is getting ready to launch for the fall trimester! We are in need of volunteers Monday-Thursday afternoons.  If you are interested in learning more contact Kristen Maxwell at Kristenm@missionadelante.org

Important Dates:

  • Come and celebrate 11 years of ministry with Mission Adelante!  Mission Adelante's end of the summer party will be a huge celebration with the Bhutanese and Latino ministries together in one location. Mission Adelante is thanking their students, volunteers, partners, and God for 11 great years of ministry.  The celebration will be Sunday August 7, 4 pm to 8 pm. at Wyandotte County Lake, Leavenworth Road & 91st St. Kansas City, Kansas 66109. Parking & Shuttles to the party will be at the Marina Parking Lot. The party will be held at Shelter #6.

Backpacks: A practical way to set students up for a successful school year.

Written by Kristen Maxwell, Bhutanese Children and Youth Director

All families know that back-to-school season is one of the most expensive times of the year.  The fees, the supplies, the new shoes; it can be a little overwhelming.  Imagine coming to a new country with only the clothes on your back and few other resources; for the first couple of years it can be quite a struggle.  If you look at the back-to-school season through that lense; school supplies for your child are probably going to fall pretty low on your list of priorities, and your child will most likely go back to school with few, if any of their needed supplies.  That is not a fun way for students to start the new school year.

The Youth and Kids Ministries at Mission Adelante have the opportunity to disciple around 200 kids and teenagers on a weekly basis.  Ranging in age from 9 months to 19 years old; they all have a unique and wonderful story to tell, and it is a blessing to get to be a part of it.  We get to plant seeds, water them, and see the fruit of Jesus changing lives and families.  What a privilege!

The most practical way that we can show our students the love of Jesus is providing for their physical needs, in this case; school supplies.  In providing for their physical needs we are able to have conversations with our students about why people care about them; not just that we care about them, but more importantly that Jesus cares about them.  The Gospel can be communicated through the giving of a backpack. Not only that, but the student can go back-to-school with the confidence and dignity of having what they need to be successful in the year ahead.  

We are currently in need of about 50 elementary backpacks and 15 high school backpacks to meet the need for our yearly backpack distribution coming up on August 2nd and 4th.  Would you be able to help us share the love of Jesus by putting together a backpack for one of our students?  

Here are the supplies that we ask to be included in each backpack:

Elementary Backpacks:

  • 1 backpack
  • 1 standard sized school box
  • 1 box of 24 crayons
  • 48 #2 pencils
  • 1 box of colored pencils
  • 1 box of 8 to 10 markers
  • 1 pair of 4 or 5 inch scissors
  • 3 wide lined spiral notebooks
  • 5 solid colored pocket folders
  • 2 packages of wide-lined notebook paper
  • 2 glue sticks
  • 1 box of Kleenex or 1 package of anti-bacterial wipes

High-School Backpacks:

  • 1 backpack with a laptop sleeve (our students are issued laptops at school and can not take them home without a backpack that has a laptop sleeve in it).
  • 1-2 inch binder
  • 1 package of dividers
  • 2 packages of college ruled notebook paper
  • 2 packages of #2 pencils
  • 1 package of ink pens

Bags are due to Mission Adelante by August 1st.  

If you are planning to fill a bag, please fill out our form and let us know so we can count you in!   Backpacks at Mission Adelante

*Any backpacks collected over the needed number will be distributed through partner schools to students in need in our community, or saved for next year’s distribution*

Current Needs:

  • We have several opportunities for handyman-type projects around the building.  Please contact Sarah at operations@missionadelante.org to find out more.

Important Dates:

  • Observation Nights:  July 26 & 28.  Have you ever wondered what goes on at Mission Adelante during a typical program night?  Come see our ministry in action!   Bhutanese Observation Night, July 26 6:30 - 8:30 pm.  Latino Observation Night, July 28 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
  • Come and celebrate 11 years of ministry with Mission Adelante!  Mission Adelante's end of the summer party will be a huge celebration with the Bhutanese and Latino ministries together in one location. Mission Adelante is thanking their students, volunteers, partners, and God for 11 great years of ministry.  The celebration will be Sunday August 7, 4 pm to 8 pm. at Wyandotte County Lake, Leavenworth Road & 91st St. Kansas City, Kansas 66109. Parking & Shuttles to the party will be at the Marina Parking Lot. The party will be held at Shelter #6.

Building reciprocal relationships with our ESL students

Written by Paul Kienzle, Latino ESL Director

I absolutely love that one of the Mission Adelante core values is interdependent relationships.  “We believe deeply that effective ministry is relational at its core”.  There is nothing that excites me more than being able to spend time with our ESL students outside of the classroom and have the opportunity to “rub shoulders” and get into their lives in a totally different context.  What excites me equally, is when our ESL students voluntarily take some of that time outside of class to serve; using their talents and skills.

That is exactly what happened between trimesters, as we were getting the building ready for the new trimester to start.  I didn’t even have to ask twice; Jesus, Ricardo, and Oscar jumped on the opportunity to repair a huge hole in the ceiling in one of our classrooms. The pizza and soda flowed, and the lively banter went well into the evening.  I couldn’t keep up with these guys.  I learned a lot about how to “mud” drywall and the art of sanding and reapplying the “mud”.  The project took several days, as they all had day jobs. They came straight to Mission Adelante from work, but it didn’t matter to them.  “Pablo, (my Spanish name)” they said, “this room needs a paint job, not just this room but the room next to it.” “If there is time, we could do that one too”  “Have someone get the paint and we’ll do the rest, I have everything else we need”, said Jesus, a painter by trade.  “And anything else we can do”, chimed in Ricardo, “just let us know, we want to give back.”  Now, I felt both humbled and extremely proud of these guys.  Oscar,  a painter by trade too, jumped in on the second day to help after he found out through his friend’s Facebook post that his ESL “compas” (Spanish for “dudes”, “bros”) were at Mission Adelante. “Hey, you didn’t tell me?!”, replied Oscar, “I’ll be there.”

It was a great time those few days; being with these guys and witnessing first hand their servants hearts, and observing them using their skills and talents to repair a hole and paint a room that now looks absolutely fantastic.  The Mission Adelante core value mentioned earlier, goes on to say, “And when relationships are interdependent; learning is mutual, serving is reciprocal, and friendship is life-giving.”  This is certainly what this grateful individual experienced serving alongside these talented and grateful men.

Current Needs:

  • We are still in need of churches, small groups and individuals to contribute backpacks for our back-to-school backpack distribution.  If you are interested in learning more contact Kristen Maxwell at kristenm@missionadelante.org
  • We have had a few groups come and finish some maintenance projects for us in the past several months and we are very thankful to them, but we still have more maintenance projects around the building that need attention.  Some would be great for an individual and others for small groups.  Contact Sarah at sarahw@missionadelante.org  if you are interested in checking out our project list.

Important Dates:

  • Observation Nights:    Have you ever wondered what goes on at Mission Adelante during a typical program night?  Come see our ministry in action!   Bhutanese Observation Nights, July 19 or 26 6:30 - 8:30 pm.  Latino Observation Nights, July 21 or 28 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
  • Come celebrate 11 years of ministry with Mission Adelante! Our end of the summer party will be a huge celebration with the Bhutanese and Latino ministries together in one location. Mission Adelante is thanking our students, volunteers, partners, and God for 11 great years of ministry.  The celebration will be August 7, 4 pm to 8 pm. at Wyandotte County Lake, Leavenworth Road & 91st St. Kansas City, Kansas 66109. Parking & Shuttles to the party will be at the Marina Parking Lot. The party will be held at Shelter #6.

When Kids Camp is about more than the kids

Written by Kristen Maxwell, Director of Bhutanese Kids and Youth Ministries

Kids Camp is one of our favorite parts of summer at Mission Adelante.  For three nights in June the Bhutanese and Latino kids ministries come together as one community to play, sing, and learn about Jesus on our soccer field. Kids make new friends, connect with friends they have made before, or reconnect with friends they know from school.  They discover new things about Jesus and who He made them to be.  They love it!  We get to see a beautiful picture of heaven running around on our soccer field.

My favorite part though is seeing students lead; seeing them step outside their comfort zones and serve selflessly.  We had a front row seat to see growth during Kids Camp in both our interns and the wonderful students from Christ Church Anglican who were hosting the camp.  Our interns are receiving a crash course in youth and kids ministry; during Kids Camp that meant leading “potty patrol”, helping with name tags, organizing small groups, and making sure kids got home safely when the night was over. The Christ Church students were Jesus’ hands and feet to our kids for three days.  They colored, sang, gave piggy-back rides, and high-fives galore, they loved and served without complaining. They had a chance to see Jesus in the faces of the kids in our neighborhood, and show Jesus to them.

Our biggest prayer for all of the students is that they would allow themselves to be changed by their leadership experiences; that they would allow the Lord to speak into their lives and imprint on their hearts more and more of what He is calling them to.  Lastly, that they would be developed into the young men and women God has made them to be. Pray with us that the lessons learned in serving this week won’t stay dormant, but will sprout and grow into the fruit the Lord plans to grow in them.

Current Needs:

  • If you are interested in volunteering to do a few handy-man projects around our facilities, please contact Sarah at sarahw@missionadelante.org.  We are especially looking for someone comfortable working on a high ladder to switch out some exterior light fixtures as well as a few other ground-level projects.

Important Dates:

  • Summer Break Week:  June 28 - July 4.   There will be no programs at Mission Adelante during this time, the office will be closed Monday, July 4th.  Have a safe and relaxing holiday weekend!
  • Observation Nights:  July 19 and July 21.  Have you ever wondered what goes on at Mission Adelante during a typical program night?  Come see our ministry in action!   Bhutanese Observation Night, July 19 6:30 - 8:30 pm.  Latino Observation Night, July 21 6:30 - 8:30 pm.
  • Observation Nights: July 26 and July 28.  Observe the Mission Adelante staff and volunteers in action as they show love, share life, and share Jesus with people from other places.  Bhutanese Observation Night, July 26 6:30 - 8:30 pm.  Latino Observation Night, July 28 6:30 - 8:30 pm.

Serving at Mission Adelante from a Volunteer's Perspective

Shared with permission from a Facebook post by Mary Weatherholt, Bhutanese Kids Ministry Volunteer

It was an absolute joy helping with the Bhutanese Elementary Leaders-in-Training program at Mission Adelante this past school year. They became some of my favorite people, and made my week brighter. From different religious backgrounds, different number of years in the U.S., different personalities, different grades, different talents... Each one unique and overflowing with potential.

I loved their smiles and laughs and hugs and stories and exuberant greetings of "Miss Mary!" They inspired me, from their desire to help others less fortunate at St. Paul's food pantry, to packaging sets of books to take back to their classrooms at their schools (and their excitement and scrutiny in each picking out a book of their own to keep), to their openness about their thoughts and feelings and fears and courage in the face of some of those very fears (choosing to go down the slide or get up on a horse even if still feeling afraid). I appreciated their joy found in the everyday things such as learning new things, and running, and playing, and cooking, and their overt excitement and anticipation for adventures and end-of-trimester trips.

I loved sharing my faith with them and all of their ensuing questions about Christianity. Their simple and heartfelt prayers for healing when I was sick and of thanks when I got better humbled me, and gave me a better understanding of Jesus' words "for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these."

I loved helping them with their homework and encouraging them to read. I loved sharing with them about the discovery of gravitational waves (they were more interested than those in my physics class). I loved helping them learn how to tie shoes and how the buffet line at Cici's pizza works (also how some choices necessitate trade-offs, like ordering wings off the menu meant I couldn't have dessert from the buffet... They were then very happy with their buffet option). It was an honor to see them grow and learn, and not only did I see them learn, but I learned so much too. And now I have a new found gratitude... Gratitude for all those at Mission Adelante who pour into these kids on a daily basis, for elementary schoolteachers (whatever we pay them- it's not enough), for rocket math (a glorious minute of silence), and for those who have paved a path for refugees into the US and Kansas City. If these kids are any indication of the future of our country... That makes me pretty excited.




Important Dates:

  • Summer Break: We will have a  short, summer break from programs at Mission Adelante.  June 29 through July 4, there will be not be any programs at Mission Adelante during this time and our office will be closed Monday July 4.  Have a fun and safe break!

Current Needs:

  • We are beginning to look for volunteers who would be willing to spend an afternoon or two, mentoring students in our Latino or Bhutanese LIT program.  Our Latino LIT program serves 3rd - 8th grade students, two to three afternoons a week.  Our Bhutanese Elementary LIT program serves 3rd - 5th grade students and our Bhutanese Middle School LIT program serves 6th - 8th grade students, two to three afternoons a week.  For more information on any of the LIT programs please contact Kristen Maxwell, kristenm@missionadelante.org.  

Our summer interns are learning deep truths...

Written by Dani Hammond, Bhutanese Kids Club Coordinator

On the last day of May, we kicked off our summer internship with four new interns. We spent the first week getting to know them and scratching the surface of what the summer will hold. This past weekend, four staff members took the new interns on a retreat to really get  to know each other better and to get a jump start on the internship. This is the first summer that I have been involved in the summer internship and up until this weekend, I didn’t quite know what to expect; but whatever my expectations were, they were exceeded by far.

All four interns blew my mind. I was so proud to see them open up to us and to each other in sharing their stories, and processing through what we were learning in our devotional times. They participated one hundred percent in everything we did and didn’t hesitate to take the lead; in the fun stuff, the deep stuff, the awkward stuff, all of it. I loved getting to know each of them in their uniqueness, what God has done has done in their lives so far, and their excitement to continue listening to his voice and seeing him work in their lives even more.

Throughout our devotional times, we discussed the parable of the house built on the rock foundation, the tree planted by the water in Psalm 1, and the vine in the branches from John 15. Each intern learned something that was personal to them, and they explained their thoughts and feelings with elegant, descriptive images and wisdom and clarity that is rare in such young people. As we talked about different kinds of plants, water being the source of life, and bearing fruit, a tomato plant was brought up as an example. We described how tomatoes grow by soaking up water from the plant, fall from the vine, and their fallen seeds grow a whole new plant. We all laughed together when one of the interns had a profound thought and said, “We are all tomatoes!” While it is a rather comedic phrase, it also has a deep, significant meaning. Our coined phrase for 2016 summer internship will help us remember the great things we have already learned, and what we’ll continue to study throughout the summer.

By the end of the retreat, the interns laughed together even more and said they felt as if they’ve known each other for a long time and that they are family. I feel the same way about each of them and I’m excited to spend the summer with such delightful, inspirational youth who are so thirsty for the Lord. Pray with us for our (amazing!) interns that the Lord would continue to open their hearts, and bless them with wisdom, understanding of who Jesus is as their Lord, and deeper roots in their identity as children of a Good, Loving Father.

Moving from customer service to friendship...

Written by Elena Mamadnazarova, Community Development Director

Adelante Thrift is more than just a retail store, it is a ministry.  We believe that God's call to love our neighbor is at the heart of all of His commands and finds a special expression in the way that we extend hospitality, compassion, and friendship.  When we opened Adelante Thrift we wanted it to be more than just a place to shop, we wanted Adelante Thrift to be a place where the customer is treated like a friend.  

Mary is an Adelante Thrift customer who became our friend.  Mary had been coming to Adelante Thrift regularly as a customer to find bargains.  Last August Mary came to the store to shop and one of our Adelante Thrift staff members Molly asked “How are you doing today?” Mary responded “I am not doing that well.”  Molly took the time to stop what she was doing and talk with Mary about her response.  She learned that Mary had come straight from the doctor’s office where she was receiving treatment for cancer. After listening to her story, Molly asked Mary if she could pray with her. That connected Mary and Molly in such a deep way.  After that time, Mary would come to the store and share updates about her health with Molly. Molly shared Mary's story with the rest of the staff at Adelante Thrift and with a few close friends in the community, so that others could join in praying for Mary. In December, after multiple treatments and visits to the doctors, Mary came to the store to share the news that her cancer was in remission.  It was a great moment of celebrating Mary’s life. Thank you Mary for allowing us to be your friend, trusting God, and sharing your life with us.

Mary’s story is just one of the many stories that Adelante Thrift staff encounter daily. People come to the store to shop but sometimes they are looking for someone to talk to you, someone to listen to them, someone to be their friend. Through these interactions our staff at Adelante Thrift can make a difference in the life of the customer, sometimes they can make a new friend. 

Current Needs:

  • Summer Serve with Thrift: Summer is a perfect time to serve with your group.  Adelante Thrift would love to get you and your group engaged.  It's a great opportunity for volunteers of all ages.  Sign up at www.adelantethrift.com/volunteer.
  • Host A Garage Sale Donation Drive:  It's neighborhood garage sale season!  Gather the "garage sale leftovers" from your neighborhood and donate them to Adelante Thrift. 3720 State Ave. Kansas City, KS 66102. Donations accepted Monday - Saturday, 10 am to 5 pm.




Developing Leaders through our Summer Internship

Written by Hannah Johnson, Bhutanese High School Ministry Coordinator

This Summer we are excited to invest in the lives of three young leaders in a unique way. Three teenagers from our Mission Adelante community will be participating in our summer internship. We look forward to getting to invest in the lives of Annie, Laxmi, and Oscar in a more intentional way this summer.  These three young people are already leaders in many ways here in our community, and we cannot wait to see how God will use their talents and leadership skills to help them develop into better leaders as we learn and serve together.

Throughout the Summer, interns will develop a habit of personal devotion and hearing from the Lord through the Bible.  They will plan and run activities for children in our neighborhood, volunteer in weekly programs at Mission Adelante, visit various churches to learn about worship in various cultural contexts. At times it will be challenging for them, but we pray that it will be a very valuable summer for them as well.  We want the primary fruit of our ministry at Mission Adelante to be individuals reaching their potential as disciple makers and leaders in our community. The internship has been a great tool in the past to help us develop that fruit. We have loved watching the program grow and challenge young men and women in past summers, and look forward to how God will use it this Summer as well.

Will you pray for us and for these interns as the internship approaches? Pray that we would steward this summer well, and that these young people would experience Jesus in some new and amazing ways...as we serve, share life and share Jesus together.

Important Dates:

  • Bhutanese Launch - Our Bhutanese Kids Club, Middle School Club, and Adult ESL classes begin on Tuesday May 31, 6:30-8:30 pm
  • Latino Launch - Our Latino Kids Adelante and Adult ESL classes begin on Thursday June 2, 6:30-8:30 pm

A new kind of hospitality...

Written by David Stetler, Associate Director

At some point early in the spring of 2010 I discovered a new meaning of the word hospitality.  I had just left my house and was walking to our neighborhood park. As I was going on my way I saw a Bhutanese man waving his hands in the distance. I realized he was waving at me and remembered that I had just recently met him at our English class the day before. At this point he was coming towards me and smiling with great enthusiasm. He took me by the hand and nearly dragged me into his home. Within a few minutes I found myself seated at the head of their table, surrounded by his family with an enormous plate of food in front of me. We ate together and laughed together. We drank tea and shared stories. It was one of the first times I had been invited into a Bhutanese home and it was an unforgettable moment.

As I was leaving I told him that it seemed like they had been waiting for me to come even though we had not planned this visit. He replied, “Oh...but we were waiting for you!”  These words and this experience began to reshape my understanding of hospitality. Someone I had just met invited me into their home, served me amazing food, and treated me like a close friend, without hesitation. This was unlike any hospitality I had ever experienced.

In the New Testament the word “hospitality” is actually two words crammed together - philo and xenos.  Philo means “love” in the sense of a deep friendship. Xenos means “stranger”. The idea of hospitality in the New Testament context had lost it’s meaning to me, but what I experienced from my Bhutanese friends was a new kind of hospitality. Hospitality isn’t just about having our friends over and serving them great food. Philoxenos literally means to love the stranger and to have a deep friendship with them.

At Mission Adelante biblical hospitality (philoxenos) is at the heart of what we want to do and who we want to be. We believe that God’s call to love our neighbor is at the center of all His commands and finds a special expression in the way we extend this hospitality and friendship to people from other places.


Important Dates:

  • Volunteer Orientation, May 21st: Learn more about great opportunities to serve a mission field in our own backyard!  Mission Adelante will hold an orientation for new volunteers on May 21, from 9:00am to 1:00pm.  For more information, email Rachel Pierce at rachelp@missionadelante.org.
  • Volunteer Huddle:  Monday May 23, 6:30-8:30 at Mission Adelante 22 S. 18th St. Kansas City, KS 66102.  This is a chance for our current and new volunteers to have dessert, worship together, hear about what God is doing at Mission Adelante, and meet together with their ministry program leaders to learn more about our upcoming summer trimester
  • Bhutanese Launch - Our Bhutanese Kids Club, Middle School Club, and Adult ESL classes begin on Tuesday May 31, 6:30-8:30 pm
  • Latino Launch - Our Latino Kids Adelante and Adult ESL classes begin on Thursday June 2, 6:30-8:30 pm

Creating the discipline of righteousness and peace in middle school students

Written by Drew Hammond, Bhutanese Ministry Apprentice/Middle School Coordinator

Our volunteers are critically important at Mission Adelante. While at times it can seem that adult mentors are the grumpy old people who tell middle school students to calm down, they are much more important than that.

Middle school is a pivotal time of growth and development for students. As young people enter adolescence, their minds and bodies begin developing at rates they haven’t experienced since infancy. This explosive growth comes with an opportunity for students to try many new things and learn quickly from what’s happening around them. At times, it can seem like students who are on the front end of this process are completely unhinged, and the best solution is to throw them into a padded room and let them burn off all their energy without adult interference. If we do that, we are not only missing out on an opportunity for spiritual growth and personal development through discipleship and mentoring, we are not fulfilling the call the Lord has set upon our hearts.

As we welcome our students into the loving arms of Jesus by leading them through Bible studies and helping them to memorize scripture; we are also teaching them an equally important part of discipleship, which is discipline. Hebrews 12: 11 states - “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it creates a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” My thoughts towards discipline rarely turn towards ‘creating a harvest of righteousness and peace.’

As a program coordinator, it is not possible for me to do all the training alone; I require partnership from other Christian adults to help in the raising up of these students. In this way, our volunteers fill an essential role. They are on the front line of the battle of disciplining these students. Sometimes there is tension in this process:  How can we be loving to our students, and at the same time be training them to be responsible young people?  We do this through lovingly correcting them.  It is in that way that our students experience both the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.

I want to end with a thank you. Volunteers, your commitment to our students goes far beyond what we see in a night of our weekly programming, we are setting them up for a lifelong discipline of righteousness and peace.

Important Dates:

  • Volunteer Orientation, May 21st: Learn more about great opportunities to serve a mission field in our own backyard!  Mission Adelante will hold an orientation for new volunteers on May 21, from 9:00am to 1:00pm.  For more information, email Rachel Pierce at rachelp@missionadelante.org.
  • Volunteer Huddle:  Monday May 23, 6:30-8:30 at Mission Adelante 22 S. 18th St. Kansas City, KS 66102.  This is a chance for our current and new volunteers to have dessert, worship together, hear about what God is doing at Mission Adelante, and meet together with their ministry program leaders to learn more about our upcoming summer trimester
  • Bhutanese Launch - Our Bhutanese Kids Club, Middle School Club, and Adult ESL classes begin on Tuesday May 31, 6:30-8:30 pm
  • Latino Launch - Our Latino Kids Adelante and Adult ESL classes begin on Thursday June 2, 6:30-8:30 pm

Adelante Thrift, One Year Celebration of Community Transformation

Written By Elena Mamadnazarova, Community Development Director

On Saturday April 30, Adelante Thrift celebrated its one year anniversary. In the past year Adelante Thrift has learned a lot, and made a few changes.  We have learned so much about business, and we are still learning about long-term sustainability.  Adelante Thrift has changed by increasing its number of part time employees, it has changed in its understanding of the importance of community partnership, and it has changed through the acceptance that we cannot make Adelante Thrift sustainable without the support of our volunteer groups and individuals.

At the Adelante Thrift one year anniversary celebration we were able to have many local area businesses and organizations come and share about themselves, and to help us celebrate what is happening in our community.  Thank you to Cup on a Hill, El Centro, Spay/Neuter of Kansas City, Big Grill & More, Cricket Wireless, and Chin Hills for providing refreshments, entertainment and information to those who came to help us celebrate.  

We were also blessed to have two volunteer work groups with us that day.  They kept the merchandise flowing from the processing area to the floor so that our store was able to stay stocked throughout the day.  Thank you Kansas City Kansas Early Childhood Center and Emmanuel Baptist Middle School & High School for serving and celebrating at Adelante Thrift on our special day.  

We had a steady stream of customers during our one year anniversary celebration.  Some customers were regulars, and some were new faces.  Our customers enjoyed the savings, the prizes, and the refreshments.  We are excited to see what God has planned for Adelante Thrift in the coming year.  We hope that you will partner with us in our continued efforts to make our store a success in our community.

Important Dates:

  • Volunteer Orientation, May 21st: Learn more about great opportunities to serve a mission field in our own backyard!  Mission Adelante will hold an orientation for new volunteers on May 26th, from 9:00am to 1:00pm.  For more information, email Rachel Pierce at rachelp@missionadelante.org.
  • Volunteer Huddle:  Monday May 23, 6:30-8:30 at Mission Adelante 22 S. 18th St. Kansas City, KS 66102.  This is a chance for our current and new volunteers to have dessert, worship together, hear about what God is doing at Mission Adelante, and meet together with their ministry program leaders to learn more about our upcoming summer trimester
  • Bhutanese Launch - Our Bhutanese Kids Club, Middle School Club, and Adult ESL classes begin on Tuesday May 31, 6:30-8:30 pm
  • Latino Launch - Our Latino Kids Adelante and Adult ESL classes begin onThursday June 2, 6:30-8:30 pm

Behind the Scenes: A different kind of story about Mission Adelante volunteers

Written by Rachel Pierce, Administrative Assistant

At Mission Adelante we are blessed to have a building where we are able to meet the needs of hundreds of people a week; through ESL or citizenship classes, kids outreach programs, discipleship, house church, and other events.  While we are thankful for our building, we are also aware that our building is seasoned and has character...nice ways to say, “it’s an old building”. One of our core values at Mission Adelante is partnership.  In being good stewards of what God has given us; we rely heavily on the partnerships we have with area churches and individuals to help us maintain and update our building.

We truly value everyone who supports our ministry at Mission Adelante; from those who sustain us through donations and prayer, to those who faithfully serve in one of our programs on a weekly basis.  But today we recognize the behind-the-scenes volunteers who help keep our building up and running.  We recently received a donation of carpet squares from a business in Maryland that is owned by a family member of our Operations Director, Sarah Winston.  In order to place the new carpet in our large room that we use for kids’ programming and the large room that we use for ESL, worship services, and other events; we needed to have the old, worn carpet and padding pulled up. Each trimester, on a weekly basis around 200 children use a large room in our building designated for the kids programming. As you can imagine that room has seen a lot of life, a lot of fun, and a lot of wear-and-tear.  Since we were going to be updating the kids’ room with new carpet, we thought repaired and freshly painted walls would be a nice addition.   In March, a couple of people from our Latino ESL class worked on patching the holes in the walls of our kids room, then a group of Latino ESL volunteers and students painted the walls in our kids room.  In April, a volunteer group from the International House of Prayer came to Mission Adelante and pulled up the old carpet and padding in our two large rooms; that made it so that the carpet installer had less work to do when he came to put in the new carpet. 

These are just two recent stories of volunteer groups that have partnered with us to spruce up our building.  There are countless other stories about groups and individuals who have helped us maintain our building.  We are thankful for these behind-the-scenes volunteers who are able to support us with their time and talents to transform the building at Mission Adelante.

Current Needs:

  • Middle School Club is a high energy discipleship program focused on helping our Bhutanese refugee students grow in their relationship with Jesus, learning how to follow Him as their Lord. Middle School Club is seeking two adult men who are excited to lead a group of 6th to 9th grade boys on Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 8:30 pm for our 10 week program starting on May 31st. If you’d like more information on volunteering, please contact Drew Hammond, drewh@missionadelante.org.
  • The Bhutanese Kid's Club Program is in need of 6 volunteers (at least 1 male volunteer is needed for our group of older elementary boys), for our Tuesday night program beginning Tuesday May 31, 6:30-8:30 pm. At Bhutanese Kid's Club - "We play games, sing songs, have fun, and learn about Jesus." If you would like more information about volunteering, please email Dani Hammond, danih@missionadelante.org.
  • Our Bhutanese ESL program is a conversation based citizenship and ESL class that meets on Tuesday nights 6:30-8:30 pm, starting May 31st.  We are in need of  some volunteers for the summer. If you are interested in volunteering with this ministry please contact David Stetler, davids@missionadelante.org.
  • For many of our program participants, there is no one at home to help transport them to our programs on Tuesday night. If it weren't for our Transportation Team, they would not get to come learn about citizenship, socialize with their friends, and see Jesus in action through the love and service of our volunteers. Our Transportation Team is the stage crew that makes the show on Tuesday night happen. We are currently seeking two adult men to fill this essential volunteer role. If you are interested in more information about serving on our Transportation Team, please contact Drew Hammond, drewh@missionadelante.org.
  • Our Latino ESL program is a conversation based ESL class that meets on Thursday nights 6:30-8:30 pm, starting June 2.  We are in need of 4 volunteers for the summer. If you are interested in volunteering in this area please contact Paul Kienzle, paulk@missionadelante.org.

Important Dates:

  • Come help us Celebrate the One Year Anniversary of Adelante Thrift. Saturday April 30, 10 am- 1pm. 3720 State Ave Kansas City, Kansas 66102.
  • Volunteer Training:  If you have never been through our New Volunteer Orientation we encourage you to attend our next training on Saturday May 21, 9-1 at Mission Adelante 22 S. 18th St. Kansas City, KS 66102. We will introduce you to all of our ministry programs, tour our neighborhood, and share a delicious meal from one of the local restaurants (a $5 donation is requested to help with the cost of the meal).
  • Volunteer Huddle:  We encourage all of our current and new volunteers to join us for our Volunteer Huddle, Monday May 23, 6:30-8:30 at Mission Adelante 22 S. 18th St. Kansas City, KS 66102.  We will have dessert, worship together, hear about what God is doing at Mission Adelante, and meet together with our ministry program leaders to learn more about our upcoming summer trimester.
  • Summer Trimester Program Launch: Bhutanese Launch Tuesday May 31, 6:30-8:30 for our ESL, Middle School & Kids Club Programs.  Latino Launch Thursday June 2, 6:30-8:30 for our ESL & Kid's Adelante Programs. 22 S 18th St Kansas City, Kansas 66102



The Lord has Done Great Things!

Written By Kristen Maxwell, Bhutanese Children and Youth Director

One of the things I am most grateful for is the rhythm built into the life of our community at Mission Adelante.  If you have been around Mission Adelante for any length of time, you know that we operate in 12 week trimesters with a break in between each trimester.  These breaks allow us to stop and reflect on what the Lord has done, and prepare for the coming trimester.  Our Spring 2016 trimester ended last week and over the past week we have had a chance to reflect on and celebrate what the Lord has done this trimester!  

As we look back I keep landing on this scripture:

"The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."~Psalm 126:3

The Lord has done SO much, and I am excited to get to share it with you!

High School Ministries:  Our High School outreach program, Teens Club, shifted their meetings to Monday night this trimester!  They had a great trimester of sharing a meals, working on homework together, and learning about the life of Jesus.  Five students (and 1 little brother) were treated to lunch and a movie on Saturday celebrating their good attendance and participation!

Middle School Ministries:  Our Middle School programs celebrated the completion of their first school year and they are looking forward to an exciting summer! Our Middle School Leaders in Training program celebrated our first graduating student from our Bhutanese LIT program.  She was presented with a photo book of LIT memories at the Bhutanese End of Trimester Party.  Our Bhutanese Middle School LIT students celebrated a year of hard work with dinner out and a lock-in after the End-of-Trimester Party.  When asked what they learned as a part of LIT this year, one Middle School student replied:  “I learned more about how to be a leader, how to be respectful, and oh yeah, how to clean up after myself.”  

Kids Ministries:  Our kids ministries just keep growing!  Kids Club, our Outreach Bible Study has seen LOTS of new kids this trimester, most of them under the age of 5.  We are excited to see what the Lord will do with these kiddos that are literally growing up surrounded by the Gospel!  Our Elementary LIT students finished a great year with an overnight camping trip that provided them with lots of new experiences, including archery and horseback riding.  When asked what they loved about being in LIT this year they answered: “Learning about Jesus, going to Great Wolf Lodge, and serving others.”  

The Lord has done GREAT things this school year and we are excited and ready to see what He will do this summer!  Join us in praying for a safe and fun summer trimester, where kids learn more and more about the love God has for them!  Also, be in prayer for our 2016-2017 application process for LIT, kicking off this Saturday. Pray that the Lord would bring the right students to be in LIT next year.

What kind of soil are you planted in?

Written by Megan McDermott, Latino Children and Youth Director

What kind of soil are you planted in? Is it healthy and rich, nourished with community and faith?  Is it covered in thorns, due to the worries of this life? Maybe it is rocky because of the struggles you have endured?  We asked this question of the Latino Leaders in Training students when we went on our end of the year trip, in early April. 

We packed up thirteen children, eight adults, and way too many snacks. We then headed to Linwood Kansas for a two day retreat, focusing our time on the parable of the sower.  Taking the kids out in nature was the best possible environment for them to see this parable in action. As we dug into Matthew 13, I realized that just as we must examine the soil we are planted in, we also need to recognize that each of us are a very precious seed to the Lord.  God can use the seeds of faith that He has planted in the children of our community to affect tremendous changes in KCK. Nurturing those seeds and helping the children develop into the leaders that the Lord has called them to be is at the heart of what we do here at Mission Adelante.

As we closed the retreat together we decided to have each child choose seeds, plant them in good soil, and have a reminder to take home of how THEY can be good seeds of faith in their own community. God moved in mighty ways that weekend to help the children realize that putting God first in their lives and letting their roots grow deep into His love is a choice they must make for themselves.  We praise God that many of the kids did make that choice for the first time that weekend!


Other News:

  • Many of our teens LOVE to play Soccer. This weekend, our Kansas City Bhutanese girls soccer team beat their rival South Dakota team. Many of our Bhutanese Teens Club students play on this team. Congratulations Girls, we are proud of you!

Leadership skills are budding in our teen’s ministry programs at Mission Adelante.

Written by Edgar Soriano, Latino Ministry Apprentice (Latino Teen's Ministry Coordinator)

Our teens programs are progressing quite well as we end our trimester; we are continuing to focus and work on developing leaders.  A core value at Mission Adelante is Leadership Development, “We believe that developing individuals to reach their potential as disciples and leaders is how ministry bears fruit.  We emphasize equipping and empowering emerging leaders from our community.”  We have been able to see this, as some of our teens have taken part in our Leadership Development community that began this year. This group focuses on equipping people to become leaders and disciple makers in our neighborhood.  We are also seeing growth and budding leadership in our teens as they learn how to take responsibility and ownership of our weekly programs. They are showing this by bringing food to share with our group, coming up with games and art activities for the group; so that they can learn how to play and create together, some of the teens have even been leading our Bible study time.  These activities have helped us see the growth and potential of some of our teens as leaders in our programs and in our community.

We are continuing to grow not only in leadership skills but also in the number of teens that attend our programs faithfully.  As we spend more time with the teens, we go deeper into the lives of our teens.  As we grow closer to them, we realize how much they need someone in their lives to be there for them; to cheer them on when they have victories, to listen to them when they are upset, and to speak the truth in love to them when they need it. Through all of this we are starting to see a change in the teens and we are so excited to see what God has in store for them.

Please pray with us this summer as we continue to deepen our relationship with our teens and as we continue to help them develop leadership skills.   Also pray with us as we work on starting a Latino teen’s worship band, which will help our teens stay occupied, focused, and to give them the chance to be a part of something important.

Important Dates:

  • Bhutanese Spring Party: Saturday, April 9, 5:00-7:00 at La Fe En Jesus Christo Church, 1500 Central Ave Kansas City, KS 66102 (park in the back parking lot and enter through the back door). Please come and help us celebrate the accomplishments of our ESL, Teens, Kids Club, and L.I.T. students this trimester and honor our volunteers who have continued to serve with us.
  • Latino Spring Party: Sunday, April 10, 4:00 - 8:00 at Bethany Community Center, 1120 Central Ave Kansas City, KS 66102 (between 11th & 12th Street, behind the fire station). Please come and help us celebrate the accomplishments of our ESL, Teens, Kids Adelante, and L.I.T. students this trimester and honor our volunteers who have continued to serve with us.

Learning is a two-way street in Mission Adelante's ESL program

Written by Paul Kienzle, Latino ESL Director

Since joining the Mission Adelante Staff last fall as Latino ESL Director, I have experienced firsthand the volunteer culture that Mission Adelante is famous for. That culture is not only what keeps the ministries of Mission Adelante up and running, it is also part of one of Mission Adelante’s values, Interdependent Relationships: “We believe that effective ministry is relational at its core...”

As God’s creation relies on the sun and the rain to bring forth new spring growth, Mission Adelante relies on it’s precious volunteer force to be Jesus’  hands and feet in the implementation of our ministries. In our ESL classes, volunteers use their voices and their lives as they build relationships with the students.  At face value, they make a commitment of two hours a week for twelve weeks (one trimester). Classes are taught by a lead teacher; volunteers then work one on one with the students as the lead teacher directs them, there is no need to be fluent in another language. Many volunteers come anywhere from fifteen to thirty minutes away, and many come straight from work.  During the course of the trimester, the volunteers are encouraged to form a relational bond with their students and meet at least once outside of the classroom setting.

It is amazing to witness how our Latino volunteers connect with their students.  I will mention a few ways they have bonded.....

  •    Volunteers visiting students’ family members in the hospital or in their homes.
  •    Volunteers sending weekly encouraging texts to students.
  •    Volunteers gathering fun props that make learning Bible stories come alive by constructing a life-sized Goliath.
  •    Volunteers working alongside the students in service related projects.
  •    Volunteers inviting students over for dessert, Thanksgiving dinner, or game night.
  •    Volunteers answering life's questions about who God is, and how much He loves them.

Impact is not just one sided, it is reciprocal.  It is not just the student who is impacted by these acts of kindness, but the volunteers themselves are impacted as well. This is the other part of our value, Interdependent Relationships: “...When relationships are interdependent, learning is mutual, serving is reciprocal, and friendship is live-giving” Walking just a short way in these students shoes brings new understanding, appreciation, and love. Some volunteers comment that when they volunteer in ESL, it is the best day of their week.  

Hearing and witnessing what God is doing in the hearts of our volunteers is so satisfying to me.  I have learned so much personally as I witness others sacrificially loving people in practical ways.  If you are looking for a place to invest some of your time, please consider visiting us at, www.missionadelante.org/serve/, and check out the opportunities for impacting the lives of others.

Current Needs:

Our Bhutanese programs could not happen without our wonderful bus drivers!  We are in need of 2 additional drivers for our summer programs.  If you would like more information, contact Drew Hammond at drewh@missionadelante.org

Important Dates:

  • Bhutanese Spring Party: Saturday, April 9, 5:00-7:00 at La Fe En Jesus Christo Church, 1500 Central Ave Kansas City, KS 66102 (park in the back parking lot and enter through the back door). Please come and help us celebrate the accomplishments of our ESL, Teens, Kids Club, and L.I.T. students this trimester and honor our volunteers who have continued to serve with us.
  • Latino Spring Party: Sunday, April 10, 4:00 - 8:00 at Bethany Community Center, 1120 Central Ave Kansas City, KS 66102 (between 11th & 12th Street, behind the fire station). Please come and help us celebrate the accomplishments of our ESL, Teens, Kids Adelante, and L.I.T. students this trimester and honor our volunteers who have continued to serve with us.