Tips on learning a new language 👩🏽‍🏫

New year, New Language

Tips from our staff on learning a new language in 2021

Nepali, English, Spanish - There is no better time than the beginning of the year to start learning a new language! How good would it feel to come around to January of 2022 with a confidence in speaking a second language?

With you in mind, we put together a few of our tips as a staff to help you get started on your language journey this year:


 Yanelis Lopez (on English)

  • "Have people around you to correct the things you say wrong so as not to let bad patterns form in your mind.

  • Watch movies or documentaries in English with English subtitles to separate the words in your mind.

  • Speak your new language every time you have the opportunity!"

Morgan Ham (on Spanish)

"Place yourself in situations on a regular basis where you're forced to speak the new language; where using your original language isn't an option.  Try to suspend feelings of embarrassment or shame about making mistakes."  


Laxmi Gurung (on English and Spanish)

"If you are trying to learn a new language befriend someone that knows the language and culture so you can spend time learning from each other. You can also listen to their music and try their food which always brings people together. Lastly, accept the differences and never think less of anyone's culture no matter where they are from." 

Megan Fountain (on Spanish)

"I loved listening to simple music in Spanish. It helped me learn the rhythm and cadence of the language as well as commonly used phrases.

The best way to learn a different language is to live abroad for a season.

Online Spanish classes are also a fun way to practice conversational Spanish."


Shannon Schafer (on Spanish)

"My advice about learning a new language- based on my experience learning Spanish and teaching ESL at Mission Adelante- is to practice speaking and listening to the language as often as possible. Don't let the fear of making a mistake hold you back. You might say something wrong or even funny, but be willing to laugh at yourself and continue to make the effort. "Embarrassment is a true enemy of learning" (Thomas Newkirk)."

Alex Ruybalid (on Spanish)

"I have been learning spanish for a year now and found this course from the US government in the 1980s to help me get started! Besides that, I recommend apps like Italki, Duolingo, and finding local conversation meetups on the app "meetup". I have definitely found my biggest hurdle is getting over being embarrassed! haha"


Learning a new language opens up new doors of relationships and community. Please don't hesitate to reach out to any of the above staff with any language-learning questions you may have. Good luck on your journey!