The United States: Our Second Home! ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡¸

The United States: Our Second Home! 🇺🇸

by Gissell Vazquez, ESL Director

En Español

Life brings unexpected experiences. For me, the most challenging part of adulthood has been coming to live in America. It wasn’t in my plans to leave my home country and start a new life. It’s never easy leaving family and friends behind. Although I knew I was coming to a place where I would be received, the uncertainties and challenges painted a blurry picture for me and my husband. After spending time in prayer and looking for the right place to move, the decision was made, and we made our way to Kansas City in late 2016. 

Each day of the past five and a half years has brought new adventures and many new things to learn. The transition was in some way easier for me than for my husband. It helped that I learned English at a young age, but for him it was different. He had to face a new country, a new system, and if all that wasn’t enough, learn a second language as an adult.  

We were blessed to come in with the Cuban Adjustment Act. This law was signed on November 2, 1966, and it grants legal status to Cubans who flee their country seeking freedom from the Communist regime. This law allowed us to become permanent residents after being physically present for one year. That then opened up the opportunity to apply for citizenship five years laters. On Friday, July 15th 2022, me and my husband Felix received our naturalization certificates and became United States citizens! We’re so thankful for a country and friends that opened their doors! We’ve been blessed to see our son Liam born here, and I’m glad he doesn’t have to pass an exam to be a citizen. His dad and I will make it a point to teach him about his Cuban heritage and how much hard work we put into becoming citizens. 

This is a time to celebrate and to extend my thanks to our dear friends from the Citizenship class that helped us to succeed! The journey of our lives continues. I pray that me and my family continue to be a blessing to the community and that I may always be able to give back and make this country even greater. We’ll always remember the year 2022 when we officially called the US our second home!