A Few Poems by Carla Flores

A Few poems

by Carla Flores, Kids Ministry Director

This week, we have a special gift from our Kids Ministry Director, Carla Flores. Carla has blessed us with two poems: one in Spanish and one in English. So take a sip of your coffee, relax a little, and let this be a refreshing break in your day.

Willow by Carla Flores - A poem I wrote in self reflection a year ago and the inspiration for my first tattoo!

“May I always be as flexible as you, Willow.

You who can withstand the strongest of wraths without breaking. 

Who’s entire being can bend and spin in the midst of the storm, yet never snap. 

May I always be as resilient as you, Willow. 

You who can lose a branch, plant it elsewhere, and it watch it grow. 

Who’s entire being can be restored, renewed, rebuilt. 

May I always be rooted in abundant waters just like you, Willow. 

And may I never forget Him from whom that water flows, Amen.”

Una Carta de Amor a Jesus:

“Cuando conozco a alguien por primera vez, cuál es su impresión de mi? 

Acaso sienten el amor de Dios, saliendo por cada rincón de mi ser? 

Mi corazon se llena al pensar que donde quiera que vaya Dios estara conmigo. 

Que su amor y bondad me seguiran hasta al fin del mundo y aun más alla.

Que bueno eres Jesus!

Tu misericordia y gracia me renuevan y me llenan de vida.

Que nunca me olvide de que quien tu eres..

El Rey de Reyes

El Protector

El Doctor de Doctores

Y Mi Unico Salvador. 

Que alegria me das Jesus! 

Cada dia me acordare de lo bueno, justo, amoroso y misericordioso que has sido, eres, y seras. 

Te amo, Amen. “