
by Drew Hammond, Bhutanese Logistics Coordinator

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” Deuteronomy 6:5-7

Children are one of the greatest gifts that God has given us. They bring us joy and hope for the future. It is our calling as followers of Christ, to raise them in the ways of the Lord in everything we do.

On a recent Saturday afternoon, the Bhutanese house church community had the joy of answering this call together. We gathered in the home of a family who had asked us to come and help them dedicate their baby to the Lord. There were 25 people there, most of whom were directly related to the family. Our indigenous leaders led the community in cultural worship songs, and in prayer for the baby and family.

The most powerful moment of the service was when the community and parents were asked if they were willing to accept the call to raise this baby girl in the ways of the Lord. Both the community and the family responded with great joy and accepted their challenge.

Pray with us that this baby would be blessed and kept in the care of the Lord to grow healthy and strong. 

Other News

  • Several of the Mission Adelante staff and volunteers recently took a group of children and teens to swim at the Mission Municipal pool. It was lots of fun and a good chance to conquer fears and try new things together. Some of the teens swam for the first time ever, and a few kids even jumped off the high dive!
  • LIT (Leaders In Training) was given tickets to see “Footloose” at the Starlight this Friday. We are excited to be taking the girls in both LIT outreaches to share a new experience together!

Prayer Needs

  • As the end of a trimester nears and a program break approaches, pray that Mission Adelante Staff would rest well. Pray that we would be personally renewed. Pray also that the Lord would renew our vision and guide us as we dream and pray about the way He may desire to grow our ministries in coming trimesters!
  • Please pray that we continue to develop a greater understanding of health needs and health care access in our community as our health needs survey progresses. Join us in praying for additional community leaders to work with us to help discern and represent the needs of their respective community.

Current Needs

  • Leaders in Training (LIT) is trying to set up a brand new library for the kids. Do you know of someone that would be interested in helping to paint some bookshelves or maybe even buy some bean bags or other decorations to make it cozy? We are hoping to have it finished by the first week of September. Please contact Megan at

Important Dates

Summer Parties are

Sunday, August 11th at 4:00

at Wyandotte County Lake Park, 91st and Leavenworth Road, Kansas City, KS 66109.  After entering the park, you'll come to a fork in the road;

go left.

  • The Latino party will be in the "Beach Shelter." Turn right after passing shelter #6.
  • The Bhutanese party will be at Shelter #6.