
"Crossing Language Barriers"

Crossing Language Barriers:

A High Schooler's Inspiring Experience at Mission Adelante"

Written by Joe Thummel, ESL Volunteer. 

As a junior in high school and Spanish student, I was looking for an opportunity to put my Spanish skills to use for a good cause. With fortuitous timing, I was informed about Mission Adelante by a family friend. Immediately interested, I signed up to teach ESL Level One for the summer trimester.

Serving as an ESL teacher at Mission Adelante has been super fun and engaging. I look forward to each and every Thursday when I get to meet and engage with students who are just as passionate about learning English as I am about learning Spanish. Hearing the stories of all the students and making connections through the language barrier has widened my view of both my community and the world.

I have enjoyed and learned from each and every student I have helped teach. Whether it is Michael, Sandy, Ligni, or Karla, each and every one of them has brightened up my Thursday with their positive attitudes and strong determination to learn English. When they choose to complete language worksheets rather than take a 15 minute break or insist on speaking only English when communicating with me, I admire their grit and resilience.

And while they’ve learned some English from me, I’ve also learned lots of Spanish from them. Michael taught me slang words from Honduras, and Sandy helps me distinguish between Spanish words that don’t translate to English perfectly, words like arriba and encima which both mean “above” in English but have slightly different meanings in Spanish.

I love being one of the youngest ESL teachers at Mission Adelante. Because I’m young I think both younger and older students feel more relaxed around me, and I also use my energetic personality to make newer students feel more comfortable in class.

I am not exaggerating when I say that ESL class is tons of fun and that Thursday nights are the highlight of my week. I would encourage young people with any interest in Spanish to join up with Mission Adelante. The mutual impacts that you and your student will exert on each other is so meaningful, and you will both get to enhance your language skills as a bonus.



Join our team of volunteers for the summer trimester and be part of "loving people from all places." Attend our volunteer orientation on May 20th and find your place serving kids, youth, or adults in the immigrant community in KCK

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Be part of our programs!

We are so excited to start our second trimester of this year and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us this summer trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to volunteer orientation on May 20th. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.