by Carla Flores, Kids Ministry Director

The year is flying by and I can't believe it is already time to start thinking about Arts Camp 2023 and backpack week!
Last year, Ashley Delgado, our past apprentice, and I were blessed to host over 90 kids for an entire week during Arts Camp 2022. Volunteers from all over the metro area came together to help this awesome event come together. Amazing churches like Christ Community Downtown and Hillcrest Covenant supported us with supplies, volunteers, and food for our students to have breakfast and lunch.

This May, we will have Mikya Wright join us as a new apprentice and begin planning for this year’s camp! Together, we are hoping to reach our goal of hosting 100 kids from our community this summer. 

Every year as the school year is set to begin, we have the opportunity to provide backpacks filled with school supplies for our students. This helps them begin the new school year off on the right foot. Bible study groups, local churches, and generous people from all places gather to put these backpacks together for our kids. Our kids join us for the last week of summer program and are able to pick out an awesome backpack that same week! 

There are a few ways you can join in on this summer’s fun: 

  1. Join us for Arts Camp 2023! Anyone age 13 and up can join us as volunteers and help either lead/co-lead an arts class, set up classrooms, and prepare meals. Fill out this form if you're interested: 

  2. Help us prepare backpacks for this summer’s event! This is a great opportunity for a group to come together and support our community. We are in need of girls’ elementary backpacks, here’s a link to get started:

  3. Join us in prayer! The summer is our busiest, most fun time at Mission Adelante. Youth from our community fill our building with life and vibrancy.
    Pray for our students to enjoy their time with us, grow in their faith and leadership skills, and make lifetime long friends. Pray for our leaders to be filled with energy to teach and guide our students, to stay healthy during such a busy time, and for God to continue working through them.

Be part of our programs!

 We are so excited to start this year and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us this trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our volunteer Orientation. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.