New Beginnings

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New Beginnings

by Megan Fountain

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One of my favorite times of the year with the kids is back pack night!  We work hard  all year and with the generous support of donors and churches, we are able to help the kids begin the school year with everything they need to be successful.  It has been especially poignant for me this year because as the kids will be starting a new chapter, so will I.  

As I am stepping back in my role at Mission and Carla Flores is stepping forward, I feel the same emotions  that the kids feel at the beginning of a new school year: excitement, nervousness, and maybe a little sad.  It can be scary to step into a new season where we are unsure of God’s exact plans for us.  But isn’t that the true definition of faith? Stepping into the unknown, trusting that the Lord has not only called us, He is walking with us?  

I am so thankful for the beautiful and precious years that I have spent at the Mission.  I am not the same young woman that I was when I stepped through the doors over a decade ago and I am grateful for that.  I am excited to see where God leads this community over the next decade and I feel so blessed that I got to be a part of God’s plans for Mission Adelante!
