A Trimester to Remember!

A Trimester to Remember!

by Carla Flores, Kids Ministry Director

Our spring trimester was a quick one this year due to a late start and some weather cancelations. Now as we head into our planning season for the summer trimester, I'm reflecting on all the blessings God has given us this spring in our Leaders in Training (LIT) Program.

Sumner Acceptance Letters: This spring, we had three of our 7th graders apply to attend Sumner Academy next year. These students worked hard to maintain their grades throughout the school year and applied themselves when asked to take the entrance exams in February. As the district took time to grade the exams and take a closer look at academic records, our students were anxiously waiting for an acceptance letter.

For me, March was a month filled with advocating for these students, encouraging them to remember all their God-given gifts and talents, and mentoring them in this transition. In the end, all three of these students were accepted into Sumner! Their perseverance, hard work, and dedication paid off but in the midst of that, we also got a glimpse of God’s hand orchestrating all of this for them.

LIT Spring Trip: As part of our Leaders in Training program, students work hard to receive a couple of special trips throughout the school year. This spring, we had the opportunity to go cabin camping at Wildwood Outdoor Education Center in La Cygne, Kansas. Students had the opportunity to rock climb, canoe, fish, hike, and do archery. For some of our students, this was the first time they have gone cabin camping or tried any of these activities. Our lessons for the weekend were tied back to Psalm 139 and Ephesians 2:10. We focused on all how special and unique each one of us is and the time that God took to craft us. It was a wonderful time of community and God’s love.

Adiella’s LIT Graduation: A week ago, I also had the opportunity to coordinate my very first LIT graduation. One of our students, Adiella, has been participating in LIT since 2019. Now, she is in the midst of an exciting transition, from being homeschooled to attending Sumner Academy next year (Woohoo, go Adie!). During this graduation, we got to look back at memories, celebrate Adie, and eat a meal together as a community. After the graduation, my heart was full as I thought about the young woman Adie is growing up to be and just how lucky I am to have been a part of the amazing things God is doing in her life.

It has been a fun-filled school year with my LIT students and I thank God for all I have learned through each one of them. Please pray for me as I plan for our next school year and as we expand LIT from 15 to 20 students. If you’re interested in volunteering at our after-school program, Leaders in Training, please contact Carla at carlaf@missionadelante.org