Mental health tips for volunteering đź’†đźŹ˝



Volunteering is a life-giving activity, but it can also be taxing at times when added on top of work, family, and personal relationships. A healthy balance is so important so you can continue to make an impact volunteering, and also lead a healthy personal and professional life.

May is Mental Health Awareness month, and we wanted to use this week’s Adelante Express to ask a few of our volunteers, how they maintain that healthy balance so they can continue to pour into other people’s lives.

How do you balance volunteering and the rest of your responsibilities?

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"I have learned to balance work, church, family, and volunteering by setting up select days to do so. I try to spend at least 2 days a week with my family, I go to church regularly on Sundays, and volunteer on Thursdays. It gives me a balance to find time for myself which I believe is critical for mental health. I only work during set work hours so that way I don't feel burnt out. I listen to my mind and body and allow myself to take a break when needed."
- Miah Ruffin, ESL Volunteer

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"I try not to overload my schedule. Since Kids Adelante is only about 2 hours, one day a week, it's easy to work it in my schedule. Since I work at an elementary school, I am able to volunteer after work with no problem. "
- Allison Martin, Kids Adelante Volunteer

How do you recharge, decompress, or relax?

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"My biggest relaxation is going for runs or walks. It is a time to myself that I can decompress and sort out my thoughts. Finding your method is the best way to become the best version of yourself, which reciprocates in relationships."
- Miah Ruffin, ESL Volunteer

"I am an introvert so I do have to have my alone time in order to recharge. For me most of the time, that looks like watching Netflix/Disney Plus and/or doing a puzzle. I also have Spanish books I sometimes read to help me practice my Spanish. 

I like getting to sleep in on the weekends because it helps me recharge from the tiring work week."
- Allison Martin, Kids Adelante Volunteer

We ❤️ our volunteers!
We are so grateful for the time and energy you are choosing to invest here at 18th and central. If you ever need a break, or need to grab a coffee or tacos to talk with someone - please do not hesitate to reach out to your program leader.

We are so grateful for you.

- Mission Adelante Staff

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