In Union There Is Strength


Special Six-Week Series: 

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In Union There is Strength
by, Carla Flores, Ministry Apprentice

Spanish Translation

      In 2018, there was a crisis at the Mexico–United States border. Thousands of people facing deportation were being torn away from their families. Children, being separated from their parents, were being placed in detention facilities where they slept on thin mats and cried to see a recognizable face. Thousands of people around the country began protesting, including myself. These detention facilities were treating immigrants and their children terribly and we were outraged. Brown, black, and white brothers and sisters linked arms and yelled until our voices were heard. We knew what was happening to immigrants was cruel and wrong, and together we were stronger. 

     The Black community has been yelling to be heard, friends. As immigrants and Latinos, we know what it’s like to be oppressed and discriminated against. When we ran to the streets and protested, our black brothers and sister ran to our side. Now, we must do the same! In union there is strength and the Bible reminds us of that in Ecclesiastes.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 - “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”

     The scripture says it all. Two can defend themselves. Latino community, rise up! Stand and link arms with our Black brothers and sisters. Let’s help them in their fight as they have helped us in ours! We are in this together because the dehumanizing policies that deport us and separate children from their families are branches of the same evil tree that killed George Floyd. Fighting systemic injustices together can make a bigger impact and difference in both of our communities.

    There are tangible and impactful ways that as Latinos we can be involved in fighting for the Black community. We can begin by educating ourselves and those around us about the injustices that the Black community has endured for hundreds of years. We can sign petitions, attend protests, support black-owned businesses, and continue listening and loving our Black brothers and sisters. 

    Black community let us be the second strand in your cord. Let us fight with you because in union there is strength.

Over the next six weeks, we will dedicate our Adelante Express to exploring themes related to the concept of the Imago Dei and racial justice. We invite you to follow this series and explore what it means to love our neighbor and see the image of God in them.