Volunteer Spotlight: Heidi Pankewich


"My favorite part is just getting to know the kids... I love having that interaction."

In this week's Adelante Express, we wanted to highlight one of our rockstar volunteers, Heidi!

Heidi and her family attend Christ Community - Leawood Church, and she has been volunteering for the past two years. Besides volunteering in LIT and Kids Adelante, Heidi has also been a leader in putting on our annual Arts Week. We are so thankful for your volunteering and investment in our community, Heidi!

Watch Heidi's video by clicking the image above.

Sign up for January Volunteer Orientation

If you or a friend are looking to volunteer your time in 2021, we want to invite you to our January Volunteer Orientation. This is a great opportunity to learn about Mission Adelante, our community, and see what volunteering at Mission Adelante looks like.

Sign up here: missionadelante.org/orientation