Jesus Raises Things from the Dead

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Jesus Raises Things from the Dead

Jarrett Meek, Pastor/Executive Director/Founder

When we lived and worked in Bolivia as missionaries, I learned an important lesson: God raises things from the dead! The ministry context there often seemed difficult, with lots of ups and downs. Just when it seemed something was hopeless, a miracle would happen and there was new life and new hope.

Likewise, over the years, I’ve come to appreciate the miracle of Spring as a metaphor for God’s resurrecting work in the lives of people. Barely a month after one of the harshest stretches of cold winter weather in recent memory, there are signs of life in my garden! I’m harvesting buckets of fall spinach, my blackberries are budding, daffodils are blooming, and my surprise lilies are full of lush green foliage.

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This month our staff and church community studied a passage of scripture that never ceases to amaze me- Luke 8:26-39.  Jesus encountered a tormented man, demon-possessed and living unclothed among the tombs on the outskirts of town. If ever there was a hopeless case, this man was it!  People had even tried to control his bizarre (and presumably violent) behavior by binding him in chains.  The scripture describes the surprise and even fear the people from the town felt when they found the man clothed and in his right mind, sitting at Jesus’ feet.   Jesus saw hope and potential when nobody else did.  Jesus brings life when all hope seems lost.  

When I read the scriptures, when I look at my backyard, and when I see God’s work around me in our ministry and neighborhood, I see seeds of hope everywhere, reminding me that God raises things from the dead.  As we approach Easter, the miracle of resurrection is on the forefront of our minds.  The fact that the tomb was empty is a reminder that God has power of over death- and this is good news.  It is good news for sinners like me.  It is good news at a time when a pandemic has killed so many people and dreams.  And it is good news for those who struggle against hard circumstances and injustices in this life.  Jesus raises things from the dead-in the here and now, and in eternity!


Here are some pictures from my garden! What are you growing this year?

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