Prayer Precedes the Miracle


Prayer Precedes the Miracle


by Megan Fountain, Kids Ministry Manager, Ministry Apprentice

One of the greatest gifts I believe that we can share with the children of our community is prayer. When we pray together, things can change and we submit our will to the Lord’s so that He can move more freely. Our mission depends upon the power and work of the Holy Spirit and every Sunday evening, part of our Bible study with the kids is spent in prayer.


This past week, we learned the story of Jesús and the feeding of the 5,000. Jesús relied on the generosity of a little boy to provide the bread and fish to feed the hungry that had come to see Him. The kids loved that the hero of the story was a selfless, little boy!

 As we dug into the lesson, we realized that the prayer preceded the miracle.  “Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, He gave thanks and broke the loaves.” (Matthew 14:19) The miracle that Jesús performed came once He had given glory to the Lord for His generosity.

We discussed what miracles we have seen in the Bible and the miracles we have seen in our own lives.  I pray that in those moments where we are called to do big things, we can remember that God’s power is bigger than our limitations.  We need only to give thanks and trust that He hears our prayers.  He will take care of the rest.
