Reflection: The Samaritan Woman


Written by Yanelis Lopez, Ministry Director

At Mission Adelante, we believe that being connected with God as a community and as staff strengthens us and enables us to be more effective in ministry. That is why as part of our work routine, we meet for one hour, three days a week to pray and study His Word.

Every week there is something that impresses me from our reading. Recently, Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman in John 4 has impressed and touched my heart. There is so much to learn from that passage and each time I read it I learn something new. These past few days, I have been thinking about and focusing on these two ideas specifically: 

1. The flexibility Jesus has with his time

The rush of this life sometimes scares me, we always have something to do. There is always a project or a goal to fulfill. In the eagerness to mark something “done” at the end of the day, we can forget the most important thing, the people around us. There are only three eternal things in this life: God, the Word of God, and our souls. This also makes me think: Which of these am I dedicating my life and time to? What is my priority? Do I invest in what is eternal? I take a moment to stop, look at the people around me, and understand that everything else is temporary. What I decide to do in my relationships is what lasts forever.

2. An open heart to God is the principle of true worship

Jesus is the Truth. How am I going to worship the Truth without being honest? How do I appear before Him trying to hide something without exposing the deepest part of me? The only possibility of truly worshiping God is to open the soul in the most real and truest way possible. Finding ourselves and revealing our brokenness is scary, but it is the only way to meet Him.

I enjoy our huddle time as a staff team because it leads me to deep, thoughtful reflections like these. They are powerful and help me see God’s Word from a different perspective.

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  • Cleaning out your home for 2020? How about donating some of those items to Adelante Thrift? They are located at 3720 State Ave, Kansas City, KS 66102 and are always in need of clothing for men, women, and children. Stop by and drop off your donations Monday through Saturday from 9:30am to 6:30pm!

  • Adelante Thrift is looking for a summer social media intern! This intern will work directly with the Volunteer Coordinator and will create content showcasing their volunteers and volunteer activities. Applicants must live in Kansas City, KS and be a high school student in good standing. The application deadline is April 30th. Apply here: