
Life is so unpredictable

Life is so unpredictable

By Innocent Jean Marie, Children / Youth Ministry Apprentice

When I was young, I dreamed of becoming a drummer because everyone in the church would tell me how good I was. I held onto that dream for a long time because that was the only thing I was good at then. I knew how to farm- grow each type of food on my grandpa's farm, but I always dreaded those days, and I did not want to be a farmer. My grandpa always worked long hours in the sun daily, which was not my dream. I went to school, but I would always be sent home because my grandpa sometimes couldn't pay my school fees. Even though I would go to school, I would always dread finishing it because, after school, I would have to help Grandpa on the farm. When I would go to school, I always got there pretty late and got punished by the teacher even though school was about 30 minutes away from where I lived.

School life was challenging. If you were late after the bell rang, you would have to get whooped and pick up trash around the school. I was a good kid, so I was in charge of my classroom, which meant if the teacher left, I had to discipline the kids until they got back. I grew up with my half-sister and grandparents for half my life; I knew my mom, but not that well. I used to call my grandparents "mom and dad," and I still do. I've never called my mom "mom." I call her "dada," which means sister in Swahili. I sometimes try to call her mom, but it's just weird, and the word doesn't come out of my mouth- it's just awkward. 

I loved to watch movies growing up. I used to listen to my grandparents and do everything they told me, but I always broke the rules when it came to films. Back then, I wasn't allowed to leave the house. But I loved going to the neighbors, they had a small screen that required a CD to watch a movie, so I was always at their house window trying to sneak a peek through the blinds. Sometimes, they would ask me to fetch water for them so that I could watch a movie inside. For me, it was worth it. I would always go to fetch the water so excited even though it was 2-3 miles away, but I didn't mind the walk as long as I could watch my movie after.

If you forget everything I just said, I want you to remember that life has many unexpected things. God is going to come through. He has done it for me and will for you, too. You have to believe it. I went through a lot as a kid living in a refugee camp, worrying about when my next meal would be, that's what made me who I am today. God has always been working. 

Our pain has a purpose. Hard times are often even more challenging when they feel pointless. But according to Paul in Romans 5: 3-5, the struggles we face have a significant purpose:

"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love”

Be part of our programs!

We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our Observation Nights. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.

We are thrilled to announce our partnership with The Runner’s Edge! Join them on their runs as a portion of their race registration fees will benefit Mission Adelante's impactful initiatives.

Discover their next race: Ward Parkway Four on the 4th!
For more details and to register, visit:

Welcome to the team, Innocent!

Welcome to the team, Innocent!

by Patrique Harris, Youth Ministry Director

2024 has gotten off to a great start here at Mission Adelante! In January, Innocent Jean Marie joined our team as the newest Ministry Apprentice! In his new role, he will support Carla Flores and Mikya Wright in the Children’s Ministry, and me in the Youth Ministry. For context, Mission Adelante’s Ministry Apprenticeship is a one to two-year mentor-guided training program for emerging ministry leaders like Innocent. As a full-time staff member, Innocent will explore his calling with practical ministry leadership experience. We hope that this apprenticeship experience will equip Innocent whether he decides to pursue ministry further or for any career path he opts to pursue. 

Mission Adelante’s 2021 Summer Interns (from left to right – Shae, Edna, Innocent, Mikya, and Flori)

Personally, Innocent’s presence on our team has been further confirmation of the way God is moving in our ministry. I met Innocent almost three years ago when I first moved to Kansas City for the Youth Ministry Director role. Our incredible apprentice at the time, Ranjana, had a heart for refugees in our neighborhood from African countries and had developed a close relationship with several families, including Innocent’s family. 

Ranjana, Innocent, and Mikya performing a traditional Nepali dance during the 2021 Summer Internship.

Innocent’s family is of Congolese descent but due to civil wars, were forced to flee to Uganda. Innocent was born and raised in a refugee camp in Uganda and his family was ultimately resettled in the United States in 2017. After some time, Ranjana befriended the family and as she got to know Innocent she became committed to his growth and encouraged him to be a part of Mission Adelante’s Summer Internship in 2021. Her persistence is the reason we crossed paths with Innocent. Innocent ultimately jumped on board and was part of the first summer internship group I managed. Innocent thrived that summer. His jovial demeanor captivated kids and his confidence grew immensely! Ranjana’s influence empowered Innocent to use his gifts to serve others, and as God would have it, Innocent is now paying it forward by investing in kids and teens, just as Ranjana did for him!

Innocent and his guitar students at Arts Community

We are so thrilled to have Innocent on the team. You can catch him mentoring youngsters in Adelante Arts Community, Leaders-in-Training, Adelante Youth Club, Leadership Training Project, and even Latino Church! Join me in welcoming him to the team. Feel free to send a note of encouragement to his email –

Be part of our programs!

We are so excited for everything that is happening in our programs and we are grateful for all our volunteers who make everything possible. Would you consider partnering with us next trimester?

How can you help?

  • Pray for our program participants would create an impact in our community and grow with their walk with the Lord.

  • Volunteer – Come to our Observation Nights. For more information visit:

  • Donate to join us in building a multicultural community of disciples making disciples.