A Prayer Walk

Written by Jenny Dunn, Bhutanese ESL Coordinator

Have you ever been prayed over? Wasn’t it just so encouraging to know that someone found you important enough to bring you before their god? Every day, we have the chance to pray for people.  Often times, this is the least offensive way to tell people about our God and how powerful He is.

A couple weekends ago, the Bhutanese ESL volunteers came together and prayed over our neighborhood. We walked the streets and prayed the houses and the people that live in them, the schools and the kids that attend them, sickness, and the barriers that keep people from knowing our God.

As we walked, we saw some of our Bhutanese friends and told them what we were doing. We then prayed over them. They have been suffering from sickness in their house; we prayed that God would heal them.

The other day, I heard an old story that increased my boldness to pray. One of our couple friends had been told back in Nepal that they would be unable to have any children.  This was very disappointing to this woman. One day, one of our friends visited them; she had been sick for a few days with a cold, so our friend prayed that Jesus would heal her cold. Not one month later, she found out that she was pregnant.  That prayer was so memorable to the family that one month later the husband was convinced that God had given them their baby because of it.

I think about the prayers that we pray over our friends and how much more He can do than we can even think, imagine, or dream up.  O Jesus, let us be people of prayer with faith that only You give.


  • Several new Bhutanese refugee families arrived last month and are attending English classes. Please pray they adjust well to life in Kansas City and that they feel welcomed by our community.
  • Pray for our kids to find constructive things to do with their time over school breaks.


  • Leaders in Training, our after school tutoring program, is in need of individually packed snacks. Costco and Sam’s Club are great places to pick some up!  If you can provide some snacks contact Kristen Maxwell at Kristenm@missionadelante.org.


  • Fall break: Tuesday, November 25-Saturday, November 29 No programs. Happy Thanksgiving!