Remove the Glass Ceiling

Written by Jason Schoff, Latino Outreach Director

When I was younger, I dreamed of learning to fly jets and becoming an airline pilot.  Nothing stood in my way as far as I knew.  My family and friends told me it was all possible if I worked hard enough, and based on their encouragement, I felt like I could accomplish anything.  My future was limitless.  As a Christian, I fully understand why this is true.  In Genesis 1:26-28 we read that God created each of us in His own image, meaning that He put in humans an amazing ability to do great things, some beyond imagination.

What would your life be like if you couldn't dream about the future?  Many immigrant families journey to the United States, their travel fueled by their dreams.  However, some discover that there is a glass ceiling limiting what they can actually achieve.  This ceiling becomes an inhibitor to dreams and aspirations, and is most disturbing when we see immigrant children learn to doubt the potential of their dreams coming true.  As our ministry has grown, we have discovered the complexities of what undocumented families face, especially undocumented children brought to the U.S. illegally by parents in search of a better life.  These kids may dream in elementary school of being a doctor but by high school they learn that they cannot work legally or get a driver's license, and they surrender their hope of achieving their dreams.  We share in their disappointment.

Last summer our President signed an executive order granting these kids a chance to Dream, provided they graduate from high school.  Since then we have helped five youth complete the paperwork to gain temporary legal status.  What does this mean?  It means we can cheer kids on to dream again, and they can actually believe that it's worth it.  When you remove the glass ceiling looming above a person's life, he or she can again believe great things, and then achieve great things.  A transformation occurs in the lives of those who are granted this chance!  As advocates for immigrant families, we wonder what amazing things the parents, too, could achieve, were they given a similar opportunity.  How might our cities and churches benefit from our neighbors' dreams? This is why we stand with other Christians (Evangelical Immigration Table) who share the conviction that our laws must be reformed so as to honor the image of God in each of us.  Please join us in praying that national legislators who are tackling this issue will share this conviction.

In other news:

  • One of our Bhutanese friends who is hearing impaired recently went missing for two days. His family was very worried until the police located him safe and sound at KU Med Center. Our friends from Deaf International were a huge help to his family during this time. What a beautiful thing to see His children gather around others in a time of need.
  • A group of community leaders, volunteers, and staff are headed to the Christian Community Development Association National Conference in New Orleans next week. Please pray that they would hear from God during this time and come back with fresh ideas and renewed vision of what it looks like to work in partnership with our community.

Prayer needs:

  • Please pray for the Bhutanese ESL Lead Team as we plan program components for the fall.
  • The Adelante Thrift team continues to search for a retail location and will view two potential sites this weekend. Please pray as we continue the process of finding the right store location.

Other needs:

  • We're looking for three copies of the Jesus Calling Bible Storybook to use with the younger kids in our Kids Adelante outreach Bible study. (Here is the listing on Amazon.) We're specifically requesting the books, not monetary donations. Please contact Molly at if you would like to contribute one.
  • Our LIT Library is coming closer to completion!  We are in need of some furnishings to make it feel like home, such as a colorful rug and bean bag chairs.  If you have an item to donate please contact Megan McDermott at or Kristen Maxwell at
  • Want to hang out with some fun kids and make a big impact? We are looking for volunteers for our Leadership development program and also for our Outreach Bible Study! Opportunities are available Monday-Thursday.  Please contact Megan if you are interested at
  • Our Bhutanese Leaders in Training Program is getting ready to start our second year! We are currently looking for 4 mentors to serve on Wednesday afternoons.  If you are interested in learning more, contact Kristen Maxwell at
  • Kids Club, our Bhutanese Kids Outreach is in need of 7 mentors, 6:30-8:30 on Tuesday nights from September 24th-December 10th.  If you are interested, or know of someone who might be, contact Kristen Maxwell at

Important dates:
  • Volunteer Orientation & Training: Saturday, September 21, 9:00-12:30 All volunteers should attend this training once at the beginning of serving with Mission Adelante. It's also a great way for someone to become familiar with Mission Adelante's ministry. If you or someone you know is interested in finding out more about what we do, and about our volunteer opportunities, please plan to attend/encourage him or her to attend this informative training. 
  • All Volunteer Huddle & Dessert: Monday, September 23, 6:30 p.m. We encourage everyone that will be volunteering with us during our fall trimester to attend so we can prepare for a great launch. 
  • Fall trimester programs launch: Week of September 23